Emotionetics Self Mastery Healing CD Instructions
MINDNOSIS is a powerful, deep, personal change process to REwire, REbuild and REjuvenate your mindset, mental programming, identity, "story" and limiting beliefs.
Blue Dot CD - AUDIO
Track 1: No driving or using machinery warning
Track 2: Mindnosis - Happiness & Well-being
Use this track typically in the mornings or when you have 30-40 minutes of self time. this will begin to rewire your internal memories, beliefs and perceptions with more positive, supportive and empowering thoughts.
Track 3: Mindnosis - Goals Activation
Use this track typically in the mornings or when you have 30-40 minutes of self time. this will begin to rewire and accelerate your Goa achievement actions... by rebuilding your internal beliefs and perceptions with more positive, supportive and empowering thoughts and actions.
Purple Dot CD - AUDIO
Track 1: PMR - Proactive Memory Rejuvenation
Use this track whenever you want to change negative, limiting or unhelpful memories, beliefs when you have 20 minutes of self time. This will allow you to REwrite past memories, stories and beliefs and perceptions with more positive, uplifting and empowering thoughts.
Track 3: Mindnosis - Goals Activation
Use this track typically in the mornings or when you have 30-40 minutes of self time. this will begin to rewire and accelerate your Goa achievement actions... by rebuilding your internal beliefs and perceptions with more positive, supportive and empowering thoughts and actions. v2024.11.14a
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