Thnx - we will revert ASAP.   Here is an OverView Intro Video - To BEcome FEARLESS...Use the LifeShift Formula WON Success Ensurance Foundation System... or <<Click here to get yours right away>>.


Lifeshift FORMULA WON Success ENSURANCE System covers the 6 VITAL LIFE Areas!

Based upon over 45+ years of research and development, and in excess of R12 Million investment in time and money.
Take yourself to the top of your game in all areas of your life.

  • MINDShift

  • HEARTShift

  • HEALTHShift

  • WEALTHShift

  • LEADERShift

  • ActionShift...

  • all designed to give you a potent, positive, powerful, game changing foundation... and transform your mindset forever.

1 of my amazing Mentors, Gerry Robert, CEO of Black Card Books Canada has made over $1.000.000 in a weekend!

I was blessed to be his "apprentice" and learn a HUGE amount about his process.

Finally....Accelerate & Achieve REAL Success.


Based upon 45+ years of research, testing and development, we now share the MOST POWERFUL personal development approach, philosophy, and tools, to take your life UP to the next levels...

Tony Dovale - The Success Activator

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