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Tony dovale - Inspiring & Motivating Keynote Speaker South Africa

So....You Think You are in Control of Creating Your SUCCESS!

INVISIBLE Mental thought-Viruses limit or destroy your motivation, crush your energy, & cause untold financial and personal problems…They constantly keep you from taking Action to achieve your desired success! WHY? If you care at all about your WELL-BEING:  Health, Wealth and Happiness, I'm sure you already know to avoid the obvious untrue and limiting beliefs, like:

  • I’m not good enough
  • Money will solve all my problems
  • More money will make me happy
  • I don’t deserve to be wealthy
  • Wealthy people are Greedy
  • Money is evil

Or unintelligent actions like:

  • Attending workshops and doing NOTHING with your learnings.
  • Wasting your resources on MEANS GOALS that never deliver true fulfillment
  • Striving to satisfy your EGO’s goals
  • You know what to do- but don't do what you know
  • Chasing after big-headed egotistical “guru’s” who continue to fleece you.
  • Using HOPE as a strategy for some sore of success sometime....soon?
Tony dovale - Inspiring & Motivating Keynote Speaker South Africa

Your Unconscious MIND makes DECISIONS 7 SECONDS

Before You CONSCIOUSLY KNOW About it!7seconds

Too many people are unconsciously poisoning and negatively programming their own MINDSETS, and their kids’  mindsets these days.

If they only knew the real damage they were causing their kids and themselves…on the invisible level. But they won’t discover this until it’s TOO LATE! 

Many workshops are marketed heavily as "the MILLIONAIRE MAKER", "Get rich Fast!", and "Secret to Attracting Money”… And the masses flock to these fun and fluff-filled events... Eager to learn to easily attract their millions…  

Unfortunately, nothing could be further from the truth! According to our research over 45 years, on how many people become successful after attending these workshops….the numbers are DISMALLY low.  The numbers show that LESS than 3%-5% actually transform their lives from attending these “MILLIONAIRE MAKER” workshops.

There are important reasons to be extremely concerned about what these workshops are doing to your mindset. I want to share my research and also a potent solution you can use to truly transform your success… before it’s to late for you and your children. 

The Stinking-thinking habits and toxic health, destroy your mindset, contaminate your motivation, waste your energy, cause extreme levels of stress, duress, and unhappiness. (they may even contribute to early death and worst cases suicide.)

My LifeShift Formula WON  Success Ensurance workshop and Process shows you incredibly potent and effective alternatives that are MUCH better for your Mindset & Well-being; Health, Wealth, Happiness… and your bank account!   To your REAL Success.


Tony dovale - Business Keynote Speaker South Africa

sa gladiator logo transDo You Qualify…to be a Success have FIERCE FOCUS and SWIFT Action that ENSURES GREATER Success in EVERY area of your Life and Business?

Success Ensurance System

Are you ready for a SHIFT in MINDSET from SLOW to GO?

I created Success Activators because that’s exactly what I want to inspire and empower  you to do — To create more TRUE Success and Well-Being in every area of your life – Grow, Thrive and Flourish. If I can.. so can you.


  • Action-Learning: I offer practical, realistic 1 Minute wisdom; LifeShift strategies to shift you out of your comfort zone and get you focus Fiercely and take SWIFT  action towards a dynamic destiny that ensures Greatest abundance, satisfaction, happiness, peace and joy.
  • MindShift: I’ll challenge you to shift your thinking, take SWIFT based actions, and create new empowering SELF-identities, beliefs,  behaviors and habits so that you can  create more true success in every area of your life and business.
  • Dynamics Destiny: I guide you to CLARIFY your passion and FOCUS FIERCELY to take SWIFT Action every day to ENSURE your Success.
  • GO- Mindset: I coach and Activate you to examine your MINDSET and Life Story, We give you the tools, context and experiences to transform your MINDSET  which changes how you interact, impact and inspire yourself, and others you love, to achieve results beyond your old limitations.
Tony dovale - Inspiring & Motivating Keynote Speaker South Africa

I’ve learned this WISDOM: The ONLY way to grow yourself on all levels; mentally, emotionally and spiritually, is by shifting to a GO Mindset that constantly stretches your limiting beliefs to new levels, and get you taking swift actions constantly, so you do things that might not feel natural today, but  are totally normal tomorrow.

Personal Transformation Preceeds REAL Success: Part of my passion is Activating your Soul to shift beyond your limiting beliefs, fears, phobias and foibles... to create a new level of real success in every area of your life….SWIFTLY with FIERCE Focus!

Many can...few DO...We meet many people who say they are interested in changing their lives. But when you observe their behaviors, the are clearly not COMMITTED to making the required MINDSET & Behavioural changes required to break free from their past programming, limited beliefs, unconscious blocks, unhealthy, and unhelpful values.

Ton dovale - Inspiring & Motivating Keynote Speaker South Africa

Most People Don’t Walk Their Talk, or achieve any REAL level of SUCCESS, Because they have INVISIBLE BLOCKS and LIMITATIONS, that they don't even know about.

LifeShift is the Most Potent Personal Mastery Process available today. It's only been available to a select closed group...But Now You Can Be First To Have the Same Experience and Advantage...

Reseach Reveals The Reality 

Lifetimes of research show that by the age of 65 years, at least 90% of people will not have sufficient money, or investments, to be able to retire comfortably? They will have to continue to work until they die!  This is not a maybe it’s as close as you can get to a dead certainty!

Unless you decide to take responsibility for your health and your future... Unless you decide, build and REWIRE a new Courageous Growth-MINDSET that transforms your IDENTITY; Beliefs, Behaviors, Habits, Health, and Actions... you will be an average part of these statistics... I have seen the financial and health tsunami coming... and your situation is precarious.

Decide: Are you Interested or COMMITTED to ENSURING Your Success?

So if you are ready to partner with Tony Dovale and Life Masters, to activate your Success  Mindset and ENSURE  greater levels of REAL success in every area of your life. Begin the adventure of discovery, development, determination, and creating a DYNAMIC destiny that is beyond inspiring.

Contact Tony Dovale on 083-447-6300 to get more info on the LifeShift FORMULA WON Success ENSURANCE System, and begin to transform and ACTIVATE a brighter, bigger, happier, healthier, future today. - sign up here >>>register_now

REAL Success is Within Your Grasp… If You Have the Right GO Mindset, Supported by Fiercely Focused SWIFT Actions, Moving Towards a DYNAMIC Destiny... BUT...

Do You Want to be a WINNER And
The MOST VALUABLE Person Around?

If you are going to become a, Success Activator, you will need to ensure that you go beyond being interested, to being totally COMMITTED, to shifting your mindset from SLOW to GROWTH-ORIENTED MINDSET. that's as a starting point... because

Research shows that leaders constantly claim that
people with the right mindset are
up to 7X more valuable than "average JOE" mindsets.

We only work with, and engage with, people who show a high level of COMMITMENT, effort and take SWIFT action, with FIERCE Focus,  in shifting each area of their lives. So before you make the decision to connect with us, check in with yourself and make sure that you are ready to create a REAL shift in your mindset and your  life for the better.

RESULTS BEYOND REASONS : We are about getting REAL Results; way beyond any of your excuses and reasons of why you can't get results. This is time to become a SUCCESS GLADIATOR...

The REAL Truth is this... UNLESS you Transform Your MINDSET, Identity, Energy, Health, Focus, and Actions...You Will Continue to Struggle on with Your Existing Blockages, Mental Though-Viruses, Bad Habits, Limiting Beliefs, and Excuses.

sa gladiator logo trans

You DON'T need more INFORMATION. You need to Rebuild and REWIRE a potent  GRIT and GO Mindset that Transforms your Total Identity, Focus and Actions...

PLUS  Life-Shifting process that makes you Mentally, Emotionally, and Enegetically "Bullet-proof".

Because of my extensive experiences, research, focused development and MindShifting tools, I am really the ONLY one who can help you to safety access  and truly transform your deepest inner CORE of Identity, Energy and Soulspace. Like ALCHEMISTS..We Begin Your Total Re-engineering, Mental Rewiring and Transformation from the inside out.


WOW, I read a few lines of your SWIFT Success Book, and my life has changed already!

I was going through a rough patch, confused and all over the place.  But now I know what to do now.

Thank you so much. Can’t wait to buy all of your other materials.  Can you be my mentor? I know I haven’t met you but I like the way you think. Thank you SO much!!  Wendy Thomo – Performance Management Officer (HR)


Yes. You are correct when you say true success is beyond the money.

There was a time in my life where I had everything. I was at the top of my career. Even though I had it all.  I felt  lonely and dry most of the time….

I realised that success for me is firstly having a perfect relationship with GOD, people, living a good, balanced life and loving what you do.

I think money only makes life run smooth once the proper foundation is in place otherwise it’s just a pointless, lonely road that leads nowhere.

Are You Ready to Be in The Top 10% Success Tribe?

 DYNAMIC Destiny

Most people chase MONEY or MEANS goals.... BIG MISTAKE!!!

If you chase means goals you will end up wasting your life... guaranteed!

Our Destiny, Cause and Calling Process ensures you create REAL Fulfilling life validating Success in every area.


In order to ensure greater levels of Success we provide a process and a framework that ensures that you focus FIERCELY, and that you take regular, incremental SWIFT action to irrevocably move you forward towards your REAL goals, and dreams.


SWIFT Action

Action for action's sake is a waste of your resources: Time, energy, money. Our Gladiator Activation Protocol and FIERCE Focus, combined with Your DYNAMIC Destiny Framework become the foundation of creating REAL success in ever area of your life.

Are You Ready to take action with Formula WON to ENSURE REAL SUCCESS?

formula Won1

Pro-Active Mindset Revitalization (PMR) and
Mindware Mindnosis Are revolutionary Technologies...

First Time Ever RELEASE to the Public!!

Tony Dovale's LifeShift Formula WON Is The Most Powerful Mindset REWIRING, Identity RE-building, Energy Re-engineering and Rejuvenating Foundation YOU Can Ever Have To Create Greater Success In EVERY Area Of Your Life & Business. Guaranteed!

This goes way beyond information, motivation, inspiration... Our proprietary PMR process...gets to the HEART of the matter.


Tony Dovale - For Tony, True Success is not about titles, position, possessions or power.


It’s about living with Integrity, connecting with Love, and doing POSITIVE business and GOOD, in a way that supports flourishing and thriving for all.


Corporate Soul Surgeon:  Tony, is the cage-rattler, because he shifts perspectives, transforms Mindsets and explodes results. He is called the “Soul Surgeon” because of his deep personal transformation and GO Mindset coaching, that fully unleashes your potential.


Tony’s approach is experiential, action-learning, practical…with international certification in The Science of Happiness at Work, Tony fuses real-life experience, wisdom and stories, to take you to the Next-Level of possibility. Tony has served as a coach, consultant, facilitator, speaker, and Success Activator for many organisations across the world, where he’s created 2x to 4x results through his High Performance Mindset Systems.



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