#1 Reader Testimonials for SWIFT Rethink Your Success Mindset

I met Tony at a workshop recently.  I was in a sticky situation and about to lose my business and maybe even my home in the next 60 days! I felt really bad, depressed and lost...Almost hopeless. I was highly emotional.

Tony Dovale worked with me and his special Success-Activator Gladiator Action Process (GAP) in the workshop, and instantly fully activated my success drive system.

Within 3 hours, I had started to solve my problem, get my business back on track, and save my home. I felt 1million% more positive, and inspired and motivated to bounce back, take action, and rebuild a brighter more stable future for myself and my family.  Within 1 week I had totally transformed my future.

This was a life-changing experience, that saved my life and my home. this experience will impact my life forever. Awesome to now be part of Success Activators family with Tony Dovale.



#2   Reader Testimonials for SWIFT Rethink Your Success Mindset

WOW, I read a few lines and my life has changed already. I was going through a rough patch, confused and all over the place but I know what to do now. Thank you so much. For Your Rethink success Book. Thanks and may you continue to change more peoples life’s. Can’t wait to buy a copy of one of your books. Can you be my mentor? I know I haven’t met you but I like the way you think. Thank you SO much.

Wendy Thomo - Performance Management Officer (HR)


#3 Reader Testimonials for SWIFT Rethink Your Success Mindset

Tony,  Thank you for helping me break thru.  Showing me how to set up my own website as well as the tips to making it successful.  Thank you so much for all of your amazing information.

I really appreciate all of your help and patience as well as your friendship.  You are an amazing man and I wish you all the best.   Thank You ! Thank You ! Thank You !!    Namaste’

Collette Shelley...USA


#4 Reader Testimonials for SWIFT Rethink Your Success Mindset

What a pleasure and honour it was to meet you at the Gerry Roberts Author Bootcamp recently in London, Heathrow. Thanks to you, I have secured my place to becoming an Author through a Sponsorship.  By you working on me on the Sat lunchtime to dispel my self-belief, I have also secured my place on a 12 month and life time support with a Property Mentor.  My life has opened up in so many positive ways, I will always be eternally grateful to you.

Please do let me know when your coming to the UK again and also when your workshops will be starting as I would very much like to come along. -  Yours Sincerely - Debra Lewis - DIRECTOR UK


WOW, I read a few lines and my life has changed already. I was going through a rough patch, confused and all over the place but I know what to do now. Thank you so much. For Your Rethink success Book. Thanks and may you continue to change more peoples life’s. Can’t wait to buy a copy of one of your books. Can you be my mentor? I know I haven’t met you but I like the way you think. Thank you SO much.

Wendy Thomo - Performance Management Officer (HR)



We started chatting, got on very well and when he left, I felt a million times better.  The conversation I had with Tony that day opened my mind, as I realised that I was not living up to my full potential and that my past was still, presently a part of me, eating me up from inside. I was tired of Me and MY life.  I was crying about lost love.  I was not happy with my figure. And I was always carrying on about how ugly and useless I was. and to make me feel better I always turned to the bottle of red wine.  I have never dealt with my emotions, I used to just “party” them away.

The Phoenix Adventure was a new start to my life.  It was harder to realise that you are the cause of most of your own problems.  Now I know that I am responsible for my own happiness and I make sure that I am and stay happy!

I learnt that my brain is just a tool and how powerful it can be if I train it and apply it in the right way.  I now have a more positive, enthusiastic and confident outlook on life, and now I value and love myself, I am a happy person!!  I always smile and try to figure out what the lessons are in every one of life’s little challenges. I learnt about the power of positive thought and believe me “positive thinkers” are not born, you have to train yourself!  Most importantly I learnt the principle of:  “All I have is today, yesterday is gone and tomorrow might not come,” so….. I now live every day to its fullest, I make sure that I learning something new everyday, I enjoy my life and do all the things I always wanted to do. I have untied from past unhappiness and people that betrayed me and I now surround myself with positive people that love life like me!

Life after the Phoenix Adventure – I can see the changes!!  I have gone from a “self-pitying”, “everybody hates me”, “I will never find a boyfriend”, “I am ugly” “moaning and groaning individual” to a confident young lady that is positive and exited about the challenges of her life and job.  For the first time ever I am in a successful and loving relationship with a wonderful guy that I love to bits and I realise that I have to work at my relationship daily, which I do.  To put the cherry on top I am healthy and 5 months pregnant.  That is what I wanted for myself and now I have it all!! NOW, WHO EVER SAID THAT DREAMS DON’T COME TRUE AND THAT YOU CANNOT LIVE YOUR OWN FAIRY TALE??  YOU CAN !!!  Thank You Tony, I will never forget you or your course and I can’t wait to do the other two!! Thank You!

Yours Sincerely - Samantha Nel.



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