"Pay It Forward" Apprentice Millionaire Coaching Circle
Insights, actions, resources, systems, and challenges to help you build Personal Power, Prosperity, and Wealth in an ever challenging world.What Exactly is Wealth Mastery? Do I really need it?
Coaches Comments
Please read completely, complete and return the questions, to get your next session notes
During the coaching process I intend to get you to do exercises, and processes to discover and uncover, things about yourself that you may, or may not, know that are holding you back from success and abundance.
We'll be asking you to write things down. Please write them down. I need you to actually see the responses that you have written.
Often people just try to "think" about the answers. This is not sufficient to create the impact that I need to get you to move. To Act...To DO.
So for you own maximum benefit, please follow the processes as described each time. After all this is for you.. is it not?
Current Wealth Stats (by age 60-65)
3% Prosperous
5% Fairly Wealthy
12% Must work
29% Dead
49% Poverty
In This WM Issue
Coach's Comment Your Responsibilities
The Journey
What we will be covering in this online email adventure
Coaches Introduction
Read My Background
Now What?
No Risk - No cost!
Stuff To think About
Feedback #1
House Keeping
Is it really Free?
My Requirements
"Money is seldom beyond one's reach, but often beyond one's beliefs. Remember everyone manifests!"
Your First Wealth Mastery Exercise
If you close your eyes and look forward to imagine yourself at age 60 or 70... What vision do you have of yourself?
Get clear in the details of Wealth, Health & Happiness.
Now... Based upon your performance in your life so far, how certain are you of achieving this vision?
The Journey
Money is like oxygen in life.... We all need it, want more of it, but somehow struggle to get a lot of it...Wealth Mastery, is about shifting your inner linmitations and blockages, to help you rewire your mindset, Redesign your identity, and create empowering beliefs and values.
"What would you dream to do, If you absolutely knew you couldn't fail?"
(Write in your WealthShift diary please) and please send me an overview to mydream@coachfree.com
Please note: My suggestion is to hold off on any workshops you may have in mind until you've completed this process.
Because of our research and the info we are able to assess, we are designing a 1 day and week-end workshops to DIRECTLY address the issues and challenges you may have.
We have found that most workshops don't truly and effectively address the CORE reason of why you are where you are....
The great news is...we can resolve that.
Coaches Introduction
I'm not a P.O.W. (Prisoner of Work!) I don't HAVE to work, and I don't work in the usual sense of the label in a J.O.B. (Just Over Broke).
I have reasonable time freedom, although I am very active doing what I love.
I have some financial freedom, in as much as income from my assets and business often covers my monthly expenses automatically. No boss...
No office hours... Few have-to's. An opportunity to explore life more.
I got ripped off, a few times, by friends & business associate, Trevor Kingsley. He's out on bail for theft and fraud, but Monte-Casino has my money! Almost a million he stole from me! Plus I have another few million taken by friends and partners ;(
We'll... I created it. Where's the gift and lesson? Time for me to get growing 🙂
So what's your plan? What plan are you following? PLAN? YES, your plan for your financial life. Make sure you develop multiple financial plans to address your different needs;
...A plan to be secure
...A plan to be comfortable
...A plan to be wealthy
Which plan are you following right now? Will it Guaranteed... deliver your desired results? If not, start making a new plan today. 80% of people have NO PLAN AT ALL. Time to wake up.
Consider... You mind is like a parachute... It's no good to anyone...
unless it's open... to new insights, ideas and possibilities.
This is confidential and gets returned back to me for research.
House Keeping
Are You Really Ready?
I'll be totally blunt: If you cannot, or will not, act on my requests, then this coaching project is not for you. I'm expecting you to move through your limiting beliefs. So please stretch here.
Knowledge, even insider knowledge and success principles, like those I'm about to share in this project cannot make a success out of anyone who lacks the courage to make decisions... and make them quickly, and then ACT to complete them.
Disciplined, decisive action truly is one of the most important qualities you must master before you can truly lead the great life.
So, my challenges are tests to see if you are committed to your success.
It's your choice as to whether you pass or fail. You can say yes or no to my challenges. A "yes" answer may very well be the catalyst that opens the doors of opportunity, success and abundance in your life.
A "no" answer could always leave you wondering "what might have been." In either case, I wish you the very best on this adventure.
Remember your information will be kept confidential.
Have you created a Wealth Coaching Project file for yourself yet?
To the level you participate fully, will you achieve your desired outcomes. The way you play this game is identical to how you play at life. So lets see how you are doing.
Lets get some action here please.
Ps If you discover some typos, please give me feedback so I can rectify them as we grow along.
How Do I Know if Business Coaching Is Right for Me?
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